Discover Hebrew Language
Beginning Hebrew
If you’ve ever wondered which side is up and which side is down … If you want to help your child with his/her Hebrew studies … If you yearn to celebrate the Bar/Bat Mitzvah you never commemorated … then I can help you achieve your goal. Long-distance learning can be as viable a means as sitting in a classroom in order to learn the Hebrew alphabet and begin reading … within the first 10 minutes of our time together.
Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Once you have become familiar with the Hebrew letters (and vowels), our next step can be a transition to the Jewish prayer book (reform, conservative, reconstructionist, humanist, non-denominational). Learning to read the words and understand the intention behind the prayers can give you an appreciation of how we approach Jewish worship. Ultimately, you can have an opportunity to be called to the Torah to read/chant a section of the weekly reading (parasha) and celebrate one of the most popular of Jewish life cycle events … your Bar (for males) or Bat (for females) Mitzvah.
Beginning Conversation
Learn up to 100 Hebrew vocabulary words to build conversational skills. Become familiar with the conjugation of Hebrew verbs to construct sentences. While you aren’t likely to become fluent in this program, you’ll enjoy the ability to speak in simple conversation so that when you visit Israel, you can try out some great phrases!
Individual Tutoring
Whether your child needs to advance to be able to join in a particular age/grade level, or needing encouragement in preparing for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, I welcome the opportunity to be part of the process. From not knowing the top from the bottom of a Hebrew letter to chanting from a Torah scroll, I have worked with students of every level, sharing a love for our holy language and bringing it to life for a student. Note: You don’t have to be Jewish to learn Hebrew!
Let’s get together for a free consultation!
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